All it took for Clinton was a mere blow job.

Harper’s Magazine implores us to “IMPEACH HIM” on its March cover. Here’s an excerpt from the accompanying article:

Drawing on evidence furnished over the last four years by a sizable crowd of credible witnesses—government officials both extant and former, journalists, military officers, politicians, diplomats domestic and foreign—the authors of the report find a conspiracy to commit fraud, the administration talking out of all sides of its lying mouth, secretly planning a frivolous and unnecessary war while at the same time pretending in its public statements that nothing was further from the truth.

Man, and this quote:

A country is not only what it does—it is also what it puts up with, what it tolerates. — Kurt Tucholsky

Exactly how has this man of incredible incompetence gotten away with so much for so long?? We should all be ashamed….

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