BMW Isetta 300.



Last night, Will and I went to his company picnic which was at the home of the company’s COO. He collects cars and one of his prize gems is a vintage BMW Isetta 300. I’m not sure what year it is exactly, but it’s older than I am. These microcars were only in production from 1957 to 1962.

Anyway, this car was incredibly beautiful, and I thought it was a great example of the effective use of white space in industrial design. The car is so small and the design so simple. There is nothing more in the interior of this car than is absolutely necessary for it to perform its function. The controls are simple, and the white space between them strategically elegant. The entire front of the car hinges to open out, allowing easy access to the bench seat, which easily seats two people (or one person and two Weimaraners – !!).

Anyway, I love simple, elegant industrial design like this. LOVE IT.

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