Eh bien, quoi?

As those of you who know me well are aware, I like to curse a lot. The "F" word is one of my favorite in the English language due to its amazing grammatical versatility and universality. However, I'd like to get to the point where I use it less. So, I've decided I'm going to start swearing in French. Because first, most Americans won't know what I'm saying. And second, even for those who do, it will still sound prettier and more elegant than the same phrase in English. So, I did a little research today and came up with some choice phrases, some of which I already knew from my time spent en France. 

Merde / Shit

Putain or Put / Translates as "whore" but used like "fuck". 

My French mom's friend used to say this all the time when driving.

Ça me fait chier. / A more vulgar version of "That pisses me off."

Salope or fils de salope / "Bitch" and "Son of a Bitch"

Je m'en fou. / I don't give a fuck.

Con or connasse or connard / ass

Nique ta mère! / This one is so bad that I'm not even going to translate it here. 

I said it once to a beggar in Paris who stole my friend's sandwich as we walked by. I'm lucky to still be alive today.

Ta gueule. / Shut the fuck up.

Casse toi! / Fuck off!

C'est des conneries. Ceci des conneries. / That's bullshit. This is bullshit.

I can see this phrase coming in very handy at work.

Va tu faire foutre! / Go fuck yourself.

I said this once to a vendor on the street in Paris who wouldn't leave us alone. He almost got physical with me. Seriously.

Quel branleur! / You wanker!

C'est le foutu bordel. / It's a fucking mess.

Anyway, there are many, many more. Just do a Google search for "French curse phrases" or "French profanities". Some sites even have little audio pronunciation samples. 

Alors, casse-toi, pauvres cons!

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