Filming, Take One.
So, I did a lot of experimenting last night for my video. I’m trying to figure out what lighting and angle I’m going to use to film my feet (this photo to the left isn’t mine, but it’s an example of the angle I’ll most likely be shooting from). I have a rough storyboard, but need to flesh that out more.
The lighting is a challenge because I’m so novice at it. I’m going to see if Rocky will let me shoot some footage at his studio. He has a great white background. Axel thought my high-contrast black stuff was too creepy and that I showed too much leg. I think he’s right.
I would’ve gotten more work done last night if I hadn’t gotten caught up in this. I was on the bus – the 43 – and we came upon this either just as or just after the police shot the guy. So anyway, the street was barricaded for blocks and I had to get off and walk downtown, stopping to listen to eyewitnesses recount the story to the television crews. I waited for half an hour for my next bus which never came and ended up taking a taxi home. It was ridiculous. I left the studio at 7:20 and didn’t get home until 2.5 hours later.
And anyway, what’s with all the recent shootings in Seattle??? Ever since that guy went crazy at that house party, there’s been one shooting after another. Makes me a little scared to go out at night these days….