Interface design for dogs.

I would so love to work on the design of a product like this! They sell these at Cabela’s, but I read about it in the NY Times (of course, where else do I get most of my information??)

Garmin® Astro GPS Dog Tracking System
This unique GPS system pinpoints your dog’s position and shows you exactly where he is, even when you can’t see or hear him. Transmits your dog’s position to the handheld GPS as often as every five seconds so you can see his current location and a trail of where he has been. Dog Tracker page has a compass pointing to your dog’s location as well as his current status – whether he’s running, sitting, on point or treeing.

If we end up building a house on Will’s family’s property, we’re going to have to have one of these. There are a lot of deer wandering those woods. The Weims will go crazy! Hunting large game is what they’re bred to do, afterall….

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