Kitty Bling-Bling.
The Stranger has a really good review of the BFA show of DX ARTS first graduating class. They bashed our MFA show, but that’s okay with me because 1). our design stuff just seemed awkward exhibited next to all the fine art, and 2). I considered half of my graduate education to have been spent in DX ARTS, anyway.
The No. 1 student show this season, with a bullet—with a linear particle accelerator?—is not by the UW master graduates sharing display space at the Henry with James Turrell and Maya Lin, but by a sidecar of digitalati showing at ConWorks through June 24, an out-of-the-way venue where some days the art has to be turned off to make space for a fundraising dinner.
There are only six graduates in the first class of UW’s Center for Digital Arts and Experimental Media (DXARTS), all men. According to online course listings, they’ve learned mechatronics and telematics and Super Collider programming, so if this art thing doesn’t work out, they can always work at NASA.
Oh, this is a photo of Chang-Ling. This is how we both feel now that we have our MFAs.