Lunch in Tuscany.

Tuscan church.
Tuscan church.,
originally uploaded by callieo!.

Last Wednesday, we left Rome for a four-day trip to northern Italy. Our first stop was for lunch in the small, hilltop villa of ….. umm, I can’t remember the name. It’s on my schedule which is at my apartment. But anyway, it was fun and reminded me a lot of the small towns in southern France, like Moustiers.

Oh, and to back track a little bit, Chang-Ling and I were 15 minutes late for the bus because we hadn’t checked the schedule before we left and thought we were meeting at the Palazzo Pio when we were, in fact, meeting at the Ponte Sisto bus stop. Lisa was pissed, of course (no surprise there). I thought for sure she was going to behead us right there on the bus. Anyway, no more leaving without checking the schedule. Chris, of course, was as easy going and happy-go-lucky as usual….

After lunch, a couple of the astronomy students wandered too far and couldn’t find their way back to the bus, so we had to wait half an hour for them. But you know, that kind of stuff happens when you’re traveling en groupe. You just have to roll with the punches…..

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