Nutella in my espresso.
Okay, I know that may sound a little weird, but it was actually very good. The Nutella espresso at Café Bonaparte in Georgetown….mmmmm. Will and I had our first nice dinner out in DC and we by chance happened upon this quaint little spot on our walk up Wisconsin Ave from Georgetown (and we got a table for two, despite not having reservations). It’s a lovely little place, my first DC favorite. I think I will take my espressos from there, please. Hand-pulled shots on an authentic Italian machine. The coffee gods are watching over me.
It was also my first sighting of big-time politicians out for drinks after a hard week’s toiling on the Capitol Hill (not to be confused with the less significant Seattle neighborhood, mes amis). There were a couple of gentlemen in suits and ties, sitting with a very outspoken, middle-aged, over-botoxed blonde with the prerequisite newscaster/politicienne haircut, boxy suit, and cliché string of pearls. Phrases captured from my candlelit spot across the room included, "War on Terror", "voted against it", and "stay the course, my ass!" or something to that effect. Quite fascinating. I felt like I was in a movie scene. You won’t see that in Seattle.
There’s also Dolcezza, the magnificent little gelato place a block north of Bonaparte. God, I love that place. I’ll take a scoop of nocciola in the afternoon and a nutella espresso every night before I go to bed. Salut!