On guarding your innermost.

On guarding your innermost.

Wet torrential. Flashing light. Cozy in a coffeehouse. Justin, MacKenzie, Melissa and I, designers and artists we, reflecting on how important it is to turn technology off – violently, regularly exorcise it if you must – so that one might carry on the unadulterated work one is meant to do.

Then, I went home and read this in the sixth letter of Rilke’s Letters To a Young Poet. How beautifully fitting:

Think, dear friend, reflect on the world that you carry within yourself. And name this thinking what you wish. It might be recollections of your childhood or yearning for your own future. Just be sure you observe carefully what wells up with you and place that above everything that you notice around you. Your innermost happening is worth all your love. You must somehow work on that.

Do not expend too much courage or time to clarify your position to others.

And with that, she wandered into the woods with dogs.

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