Our house.

Well, it’s Friday night and I’m A-L-O-N-E. I don’t quite know what to do with myself! My whole life since I met Will has focused pretty much around him, and of course, Seth and Michaela (whom you’ll lovingly hear referred to from time-to-time as “les enfants terribles”). But, Will is venturing east across the mountains as I type, paying a birthday visit to Tish. I would have gone, but I have to open at Starbucks tomorrow. Which means waking up at 20 to 5:00. Yee-haw.

Seth and Michaela are still in Alaska, but they’ll be home tomorrow night. So, here I am, alone, just me, my iBook and Stieglitz on the couch, enjoying the Frida soundtrack (it’s awesome if you haven’t heard it!).

The marriage is going quite well. I love Will so much; he is proving to be a wonderful husband. I still feel the need to pinch myself at times, just to make sure I’m not dreaming. Not that there haven’t been adjustments to make, because with les enfants terribles both in the throes of adolescence, well, what more could one expect?

They’ll both be snowboarding this winter quarter, which should help release some of their hormone-induced energy. I’m going to start telemark skiing lessons (with Will if it doesn’t bother his knees too much) but will be putting the finishing touches on my grad school applications before I’ll allow myself playtime in the snow. I have all four sets of slides now and will load them into their carousels this weekend. God, I’ll be so relieved when everything’s in the mail. It’s something that I’ve been talking about doing for the past three years, and now that it’s almost over, I can tell that it’s going to be a huge weight off my shoulders.

Anyway, Will will be starting his nine-month mountaineer course next week, too. He’s been wanting to do this for so long…. I’m glad to see him do something he enjoys. He’s also in the market for a new job, but that’s a whole ‘nother story. But suffice it to say this, I have high hopes that he’s going to make some great networks through the people I’ll be meeting in grad school. If he could find a great industrial designer and chemist who share his goals, I think things would really start to materialize for him in terms of starting his own business.

I’ll be starting another contract at InfoSpace next week, working on wireless applications/interfaces again. Plus I’ll be teaching one night class this quarter, too. I’ll still be really busy, but not nearly as busy as I was last semester when I totally bit off far more than I could chew. I honestly don’t know why I do that to myself.

That’s all for now! I think I’m going to go see a movie….


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