Quel idiot!
More from The Stranger’s Last Days:
TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 21 – Clearly jealous of the attention lavished on Dick Cheney following the vice president’s shooting of an elderly man in the face, today President Bush sought to reestablish himself as America’s premier dangerous idiot, vowing to veto any attempt—Republican, Democrat, or otherwise—to block a $6.8 million deal that would hand control of six key U.S. ports over to the Middle Eastern company Dubai Ports World. Hubbub over the ports deal will stink up much of the rest of the week, with both Republicans and Democrats lining up to blast Dubya’s brain-dead rationalizations—”I really don’t understand why it’s okay for a British company to operate our ports, but not a company from the Middle East,” said Bush, for real—as well as his in-your-face veto threat. But today Last Days is content to savor this rare moment of bipartisan harmony. (When both the right and left are horrified by George W. Bush, things can’t be all bad.)