Still raining.

Well, not to sound like a big, fat whiner, but since my last post of three days ago, the weather here has not changed. AND, I just finished looking at this week’s weather forecast, and guess what? It’s going to rain ALL FUCKING WEEK!!!! I’m not kidding. I can’t take this anymore. Will’s in southern California on business where it was 72-degrees and sunny today. I’m jealous of his respite, even if it is only for a few days.

I don’t know how much more of this I can take before I’m going to have to request a prescription for Prozac or something (like a flask in my purse, maybe?). It’s really starting to affect my mood. And these damn skylights! The rain pattering on them incessantly is driving me mad. Not to mention the fact that there’s never one dry time of day to take the dogs out, let alone two, and the ball fields and all our other favorite haunts are huge mud pits right now. Aaaaaaaah! Please, God, Yoda, anyone! STOP THIS WRETCHED RAIN!

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