Slow bike. I'm almost done sanding my frame. And of course, what's remaining is the worst part. Getting all the nitty-gritty paint that's leftover in the grooves and corners. I could use a dremel tool for this, but Will can't find his dremel since
Soft as a baby's bottom. That's what I think every time I think about something that's "powder-coated". Anyhoo, this is where my fixie frame has been sleeping the past few nights. I dropped it off last Friday (after driving around Greektown, trying to find out how the hell to
L'assemblage. Elle presque respire. She almost breathes. Will picked up my powder-coated frame on Wednesday from a warehouse in Greektown. As you can see, it's a super shiny turquoise. Initially, I wanted it robin's egg blue or ballet pink, matte-finish, but these colors did not exist where
I want new letters. The fact that graduate design programs bestow upon their students the MFA (Master of Fine Arts) degree is antiquated and irrelevant. Instead, the design discipline should have its own standardized classification of academic distinction, as programs at IIT, Cincinnati, and Carnegie Mellon do: a Master's of Design. And
Turquoise, me, and the new The Poynter Institute’s review of the new was one of the few to specifically note our use of turquoise to designate audio elements across the site. This color and usage choice was my doing and as I’ve thought about it since launch, I wonder why I
Grind me. So, I’ve been wanting a burr grinder for a long time. This one was on sale at Macy’s, so I bought it. It got really good views on Amazon. I was going to get a really expensive Italian one, but those online reviews of this machine totally sucked
Interaction design + urban planning. The semester is humming nicely along. I have an incredible group of about nine grad students in my Visualizing Information design class at MICA. In my research for the class, I came across Trulia Hindsight. It couldn't be more timely given my current bedside reading, Jane Jacobs'
On artisanal food and artisanal technology. I don’t know what it is about the Pacific Northwest and food, but I’m really glad to be going back to it (I’m seriously considering writing a book about it someday, though – what do you think?). One of the things I’ve missed the most while living
ARCADE: On living, learning, and design educating. ARCADE Summer 2012 issue, designed and edited by Karen Cheng and Annabelle Gould. Photographed by me. ARCADE is one of my favorite design magazines. It is published quarterly, and the Summer 2012 issue features guest editors and designers Karen Cheng and Annabelle Gould, two of my design professors while I
On sonic interaction design, the Velveteen Rabbit, and R2D2. Wikipedia on sound + interaction design: Sonic interaction design is the study and exploitation of sound as one of the principal channels conveying information, meaning, and aesthetic/emotional qualities in interactive contexts[1][2]. Sonic interaction design is at the intersection of interaction design and sound and music computing. If interaction