Starchitects. So, I’m checking out the Cooper Hewitt 2005 National Design Award nominees and lo and behold, one of them is my former landlord, Tom Kundig. How cool is that???
On what designers can learn from icebergs and Ernest Hemingway. My favorite passages In Ernest Hemingway’s A Moveable Feast are the direct, austere descriptions of F. Scott Fitzgerald. Painting vivid pictures with minimal words is the hallmark of Hemingway’s writing, which he developed into The Iceberg Theory. Write like Hemingway! The Hemingway App. The Iceberg Theory (also known
I want one! Okay, I’m starting a new category for neat products I see that I really want. I was raised as a capitalist after all and despite my admonitions to try and be greener and less consumeristic…well, I’ll unashamedly admit it: I’m a sucker for well-designed products that
CCA's Design Strategy MBA. Interesting. California College of the Arts now offers an MBA in Design Strategy: The innovative MBA in Design Strategy, which will enroll its first class of students in fall 2008, unites the studies of design, finance, and organizational management in a unique curriculum aimed at providing students with tools and
On forces of nature, packaging design, and the amazing uterus. is an online source for biomimicry inspiration, a place “where biology and design cross-pollinate, so bio-inspired breakthroughs can be born.” Speaking of births, there’s an impending birth in my family, one that could happen any day now (no, it’s not me. I AM NOT PREGNANT). There
"Go" Chair. Isn’t this a gorgeous chair? Designed by Ross Lovegrove, the designer my group is studying in human-centered design. I love this class. Seth is leaving on Friday for his month with Northwest Youth Corps. I think it’s going to be a great experience for him. I just hope
Silica cluster. On the steps of the National Portrait Gallery, Washington, DC. This taken with my Holga (I think), on one of my lunches. My gym is right across the street. Lately, I’ve been thinking about cities and use cases…. I’ve also been intrigued by this new social media service
Design Within (Dog's) Reach. Okay, I don’t actually want an eCrate that bad. It’s more Mies who wants one. This is a cool design, but can you imagine how much better their ads would look if they used a canine as elegantly designed (e.g., a Weimaraner) instead of that stupid little
ARCADE: On living, learning, and design educating. ARCADE Summer 2012 issue, designed and edited by Karen Cheng and Annabelle Gould. Photographed by me. ARCADE is one of my favorite design magazines. It is published quarterly, and the Summer 2012 issue features guest editors and designers Karen Cheng and Annabelle Gould, two of my design professors while I
On guarding your innermost. Wet torrential. Flashing light. Cozy in a coffeehouse. Justin, MacKenzie, Melissa and I, designers and artists we, reflecting on how important it is to turn technology off – violently, regularly exorcise it if you must – so that one might carry on the unadulterated work one is meant to do. Then, I