I'm dying over here. My laptop died yesterday. Zip. Kapoot. I had used it right before my interview to jot down questions and it was fine. I get home to log on and it won’t start up. I thought maybe the battery was out of power, so I plugged it in. Still nothing.
I want to design t-shirts. originally uploaded by kevin meredith. I came across this in this week’s NY Times Magazine. I’ve been wanting to create some well-designed political t-shirts and sell them at Left Bank Books and small boutiques around town. Now seems as good a time as any…. I’m listening to
Designer faces. Every year, I make a trip to the dermatologist. This year, I couldn’t get in to see my regular doctor who had just left for a two-month vacation. So, not wanting to wait until October, I decided to see one of the other physicians. My main concerns were having
I want one! Okay, I’m starting a new category for neat products I see that I really want. I was raised as a capitalist after all and despite my admonitions to try and be greener and less consumeristic…well, I’ll unashamedly admit it: I’m a sucker for well-designed products that
Theatre Sofa. Saw this sofa at DWR the other day. I loved it! Especially the color: robin’s egg blue. Will thinks it’s too modern, though.
Bad Chocolate. From the NY Times (full article): Heavily Hyped Cell Phone Won’t Make You a Chocoholic By DAVID POGUE Published: August 24, 2006 Chocolate, under the proper circumstances, can be a deeply satisfying treat for the senses. It can also be a sticky mess. Unfortunately, the heavily hyped Chocolate music
Gensler. I started a new job today as a design consultant at Gensler. Considered one of the world’s biggest design firms, they focus mostly on workplace and retail space design. I’m psyched. 🙂 The neatest thing about it is that I made my initial contact at the dog park, Golden
Font Swatch. Wow, this is cool. Saw it in the latest issue of Dwell Magazine, but you can buy it on Amazon.