Groovy. I started my first day of work at Teague as a product designer. It’s fun. I like it. And their studio is close enough to the new sculpture park that I can easily walk there for lunch when I feel like it….
Icons are everything. Well, one thing I’ve realized in the short time I’ve been working at Teague is that when it comes to branding a user interface, good icons are everything. Seriously. And when you really think about it, icons are amazing things. In a visual space that is sometimes no
Mental masturbation. From a recent post I made on a thread at Speak Up: Scott, I see what you’re saying about graphic design being the mode of travel for the ideas of other design disciplines before they’re physically realized. But then it becomes a chicken and egg argument: which comes
One of the stupidest things I've ever seen. I was just browsing through the new Pottery Barn catalog and came across this image. It’s nice enough, aesthetically, of course. The furniture is nice, the colors are soft and beautiful. But take a closer look at the books on the shelves behind the bed. At first I thought
Digital Paper. Trippy. Whoa. Check this out. We met with a woman today who’s doing research around digital interfaces for learning technologies such as this one. But a Swedish startup called Anoto has developed a new approach. A few weeks ago in Boston, I met an Italian named Nino Tarantino, who is
Rethinking the Remote. Wow. This is interesting to see given that one of my class assignments with Axel was to rethink the remote. Introducing The Loop. Interesting….
Digital Ethnography: The Democratization of Grief. I’ve been fascinated by the news coming out of Virginia about the mass murder there. While viewing profiles of the victims on the New York Times online, I noticed that they are listing links to the Myspace and/or Facebook pages of the deceased. It’s downright eerie – macabre
Design mixing with Blend. Okay, so you all know how I’m not the biggest fan of Microsoft products, but I have to give them a hand on this one. I started learning their new software program, Blend, last week. It’s like Illustrator, Flash, AfterEffects, and…well…maybe VisualBasic (except that it writes
Why I love technology.... originally uploaded by Neylano. and like being an interaction designer. Cool products like Skype are going to make this year apart much more bearable.