Cinema lust. Hecq Vs Exillion – Spheres Of Fury from Tim.Chris.Film on Vimeo. Found this film via a tweet. LOVE IT. So beautiful. I want one of these Canons. For Christmas or something. Will, are you reading this?
Time as construct. Time, architected. The thing I love most about experimental film is the way it allows for architecting time. I spent a year studying experimental film in grad school but haven’t made any films since. I miss it. Today is the autumnal equinox, when the hours of sunlight balance the hours of
On craftsmanship, the right tools, and cinematic storytelling. Cults hold a special fascination for me. I was in one once, from the tender ages of 16 to 24, but that’s another blog post entirely. A novel, actually, but before I even begin, I digress. I use the meaning of a certain color, contrast, or diagonal in the
Det Perfekte Menneske. Last night I sat in on part of a storytelling lecture at the UW that featured part of this film, The Perfect Human, directed by the Danish Jørgen Leth. I've seen this before, probably as part of my experimental film class in grad school, but thought I'
Gasman. Last Wednesday night, I had my friend Apryl come speak to my class on film and semiotics. I met her while I was studying experimental film in grad school. She is now finishing up her MFA in film at Columbia and teaching at the University of Washington. She introduced us
The Art of the Title Sequence. I just found this really cool website, via A Very Short List: The Art of the Title Sequence. An archive of title sequence design. Yummy.
Pangea Day. Despite the fact that I disagree with most of my country’s foreign policy decisions and ABSOLUTELY DETEST the Bush administration, I am still glad to be an American. This country is far from perfect, but it’s still a great place to live and the ideals upon which it
Juno Film Titles. Speaking of Juno, this is so cool! An interview with Shadowplay Studios that tells how the title sequence was made. I still want to do more film titles. Really. With Will’s Super 8 camera.
Romanian New Wave. Will and I went and saw Four Months, Three Weeks, and Two Days last night, an excruciating film. At one point, the feelings evoked were so intense that I thought I was going to have to leave the theatre. At another point, I looked over and watched Will cover his
Oslo's birthday. And my first video on YouTube. Oh, boy. Oslo turned three on June 11. Please excuse the baby talk. Only true dog lovers can fully understand this linguistic phenomenon.