I want one. Saw this in my awesome fashion newsletter from Refinery 29. They're on Twitter, too. MUST GO SHOPPING. Being trendy is my Botox. People always think I'm younger than I am and I'm almost positive it's because I'm a sucker for
Grind me. So, I’ve been wanting a burr grinder for a long time. This one was on sale at Macy’s, so I bought it. It got really good views on Amazon. I was going to get a really expensive Italian one, but those online reviews of this machine totally sucked
She said form. He said function. 2011 Fiat 500. Photo via blog.al.com I drive a Toyota RAV4, which is not something I’m very proud of in a design sense. But Will made me do it. It’s functional, but boring. Toyota isn’t exactly know for cutting edge design. For 12 years of
On horses, mental models, and 100-year old metaphors. Michaela with my friend Katie’s horse, Brazil, at a dressage show on Whidbey Island, WA. Photo by Callie Neylan, 2006. I don’t know if I ever told you this, but I love horses. Growing up in Colorado, you’d think I was around them a lot. Well, I
On good design and skipping hearts. While I love the beauty of my Apple products as much as you do, it’s encouraging to note – very encouraging – that there are many companies in the world that produce products equally as beautiful in form and function. I’m going to start showcasing my own personal favorites every
Ode to Common Things. by Pablo Neruda. I have a crazy, crazy love of things. I like pliers, and scissors. I love cups, rings, and bowls – not to speak, of course, of hats. I had never heard of Pablo Neruda nor this poem until last weekend when I went to a wake. I love
A beautiful machine. Last night I had the pleasure of loading film into a movie camera for the first time. We’re using a Bolex H16 Reflex Camera and in terms of industrial design, it’s beautiful. In terms of usability, it’s not bad, either. The camera is pretty simple, mapping almost
Design Within (Dog's) Reach. Okay, I don’t actually want an eCrate that bad. It’s more Mies who wants one. This is a cool design, but can you imagine how much better their ads would look if they used a canine as elegantly designed (e.g., a Weimaraner) instead of that stupid little
I want one! Okay, I’m starting a new category for neat products I see that I really want. I was raised as a capitalist after all and despite my admonitions to try and be greener and less consumeristic…well, I’ll unashamedly admit it: I’m a sucker for well-designed products that
Tiffany 1837 Bar Pendant. To match the bracelet Will got me a few years ago…drool. I’m not a big jewelry person, but this is so classic and elegant. Plus, the cool type (click on the image to zoom).