Cessez-le-feu. Cessez-le-feu, originally uploaded by Hugo*. A demonstration in Paris yesterday, via Flickr.
All it took for Clinton was a mere blow job. Harper’s Magazine implores us to “IMPEACH HIM” on its March cover. Here’s an excerpt from the accompanying article: Drawing on evidence furnished over the last four years by a sizable crowd of credible witnesses—government officials both extant and former, journalists, military officers, politicians, diplomats domestic and foreign—
Park your fucking car and walk! Ten Ways to Prepare for a Post-Oil Society Editor’s Note: James Howard Kunstler is a leading writer on the topic of peak oil the problems it poses for American suburbia. Deeply concerned about the future of our petroleum dependent society, Kunstler believes we must take radical steps to avoid
Latté-drinking liberals. From Seattle, no less, and DAMN PROUD OF IT. I will not be ashamed of being an educated, critical thinker. Click on the image to see the animation. I don’t know who created this; found on the Daily Kos.
The death penalty. From the New York Times, of course: Governor Rejects Clemency for Inmate on Death Row By SARAH KERSHAW Published: December 13, 2005 SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 12 – Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger rejected arguments that the death row inmate Stanley Tookie Williams was either innocent of capital murder or worthy of mercy because
Basic arithmetic. originally uploaded by pdgibson. Click on this picture to see the whole thing. Found on Flickr, taken in Ballard. And see that book to the left that’s on my bedside? Pledged? Don’t read it. It’s a waste of time. Stupid because sorority girls are stupid. Cheerio.
"Smoke 'em out" with PowerPoint. photo by Ralf Stockmann. This is a really interesting excerpt, taken from Thomas E. Rick’s Fiasco, especially given Tufte’s assertions about PowerPoint: That reliance on slides rather than formal written orders seemed to some military professionals to capture the essence of Rumsfeld’s amateurish approach to war planning.
Just the facts, Jack. Okay, so I’m not even going to go into here how PISSED OFF I was while driving home from Baltimore, listening to the McBimbos spewing all their hot, rancid air at the RNC last week. No, I won’t say anything. I won’t use the "F"
First it was Blacks and cocaine,.... then it was Mexicans and marijuana. Now it’s Muslims and khat. Apparently, the Feds are now going after Northern Africans and Arabs who import and chew khat, a relatively harmless plant that’s grown in the mountains of East Africa and the Arabian Peninsula. It is mainly consumed (via
Technology + Design making a difference. More about the genocide in Darfur, as promised. I just came across this website by Amnesty International. An incredibly powerful use of design and visual communication to inform people of what goes on outside our comfortable, capitalistic bubble. And what they can do to make a difference. Amnesty International has