Cessez-le-feu. Cessez-le-feu, originally uploaded by Hugo*. A demonstration in Paris yesterday, via Flickr.
"Smoke 'em out" with PowerPoint. photo by Ralf Stockmann. This is a really interesting excerpt, taken from Thomas E. Rick’s Fiasco, especially given Tufte’s assertions about PowerPoint: That reliance on slides rather than formal written orders seemed to some military professionals to capture the essence of Rumsfeld’s amateurish approach to war planning.
Happy New Year. 3,000 Dead. A powerful information design piece from the New York Times feature: Faces of the Dead. Each tiny square represents one dead soldier. When clicked, the whole image displays that soldier’s face. Sad, but powerful.
Park your fucking car and walk! Ten Ways to Prepare for a Post-Oil Society Editor’s Note: James Howard Kunstler is a leading writer on the topic of peak oil the problems it poses for American suburbia. Deeply concerned about the future of our petroleum dependent society, Kunstler believes we must take radical steps to avoid
"Bong Hits 4 Jesus." Have you heard about this one? What a pisser! I called Seth to tell him about it, assuming he already knew the story since it took place in Alaska. He hadn’t though; I had fun filling him in. An excerpt from the New York Times: Free-Speech Case Divides Bush
Basic arithmetic. originally uploaded by pdgibson. Click on this picture to see the whole thing. Found on Flickr, taken in Ballard. And see that book to the left that’s on my bedside? Pledged? Don’t read it. It’s a waste of time. Stupid because sorority girls are stupid. Cheerio.
The Devil Came on Horseback. I just got back from this documentary screening at the Seattle International Film Festival. It’s a film by former Marine Brian Steidle about the genocide in Darfur. More later, but I wanted to post these links now: The documentary. Divest from companies doing business in Darfur.
First it was Blacks and cocaine,.... then it was Mexicans and marijuana. Now it’s Muslims and khat. Apparently, the Feds are now going after Northern Africans and Arabs who import and chew khat, a relatively harmless plant that’s grown in the mountains of East Africa and the Arabian Peninsula. It is mainly consumed (via
I love Kurt Vonnegut. originally uploaded by Supercapacity. I’d heard of him before he died last week, but had never read any of his stuff. But since his death was highly publicized, now I have. That’s the bright side of famous writers dying; they’re so eloquently eulogized on NPR that I
An open letter to NPR about the pay gap, inspired by Jill Abramson. I have been holding this post inside my head (and heart) for years, and in my WordPress queue for months. But with today’s news about Jill Abramson and the role her legal inquiry about pay inequality at the New York Times may have factored into her sudden dismissal, I