The Catholic Church.

In costume at the Vatican.
In costume at the Vatican.,
originally uploaded by callieo!.

Alora, va bene. The Swiss Guard, whom I saw when I went to St. Peter’s Basilica yesterday. Unfortunately, because I had forgotten to bring a scarf to cover my shoulders with, I wasn’t allowed in (although I did get through the section with all the papal tombs because this elderly woman lent me her sweater, but only until we parted ways after getting past the first set of guards, bouncers, whatever you want to call them). Now, I realize this was my own stupid fault; I should have brought a scarf. I knew they’d be strict at the Vatican. But, after I was turned away after waiting in line for about 40 minutes, the absurdity of it all really pissed me off. Here is a church that hardly holds itself or its clergy responsible for the defiling of untold numbers of altar boys, and yet, since they’re wearing the right clothes with all the right body parts covered, they can still go into the “house of god.” Whatever. It’s such utter hypocrisy that I can’t even believe it.

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