The death penalty.

From the New York Times, of course:

Governor Rejects Clemency for Inmate on Death Row

Published: December 13, 2005

SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 12 – Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger rejected arguments that the death row inmate Stanley Tookie Williams was either innocent of capital murder or worthy of mercy because of his claims of redemption on Monday, and denied a clemency petition to commute his sentence to life in prison.

The governor’s highly anticipated decision seemed to all but seal the fate of Mr. Williams, whose execution was scheduled for Tuesday.


I really don’t know what to think about this. I’m bothered by it, actuallly. A lot. I look at my clock and this man has four hours and 18 minutes to live. What is he thinking right now? Is he scared? And do we have the right to kill him, even though he did live a despicable life? And had he killed one of my loved ones, would I be demanding his blood?

I don’t know. It all seems so barbaric. What about Ah-nold? Is he guilty of murder since he denied clemency? And what of each jury member who sentenced this man to death. I mean, killing is killing, isn’t it? How do we justify this aspect of our legal system? An aspect that seems simply archaic to other developed countries. And how about the executioner? Who is he/she? What is this person thinking right now, and how are they preparing to kill this person? There are plenty of psychic portraits done of the executed, but wouldn’t it be interesting to peek inside the mind of the executor? Hmmmm….a possible short film idea.

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