The rain has stopped.

originally uploaded by swissmiss.

Well, you know. To a certain degree. It’s raining as I type. And actually, the rain never really stops here in Seattle. Even when it’s not physically falling, it lives within the city’s inhabitants, lurking in our subconscience, spreading mold and mildew into the deepest crevices of our psyches. However, our consecutive days of rain ended at 27. I was kind of bummed, actually. I wanted to break the record!

I’m filming my next DX ARTS project right now. Last night, I spent about 3.5 hours with Rosa at the Fremont studio. Tonight, Will, Seth and I spent about 3 hours filming for more footage, first at an intersection in Fremont and then at Metropolitan Market on Queen Anne. I’m starting to filmically explore my thesis, looking at frames of reference of the visually impaired. It’s hard work! That time filming has left me exhausted. Althought it’s really fun. I love film! I did my first dolly shot alone today. It was of a blind person crossing a busy intersection. I went to Target last night and bought a $30 Red Flyer wagon expressly so I could dolly this shot.

I’ll try to post some stills later. I’ve taken some really nice stuff.

Oh, the photo in this entry is by swissmiss. She has an amazing eye for composition….

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