This makes me homesick.

Above It All in Colorado

Published: February 5, 2006

Creede, Colo. – Maybe it’s growing up under a bowl of bluebird-colored sky, or among groves of quaking aspens, or surrounded by snow that falls and falls and never turns black. Maybe it’s learning to ski double black diamond slopes at the age of 3, or the possibility inherent in 53 peaks that rise 14,000 feet above sea level. Maybe it’s because the median household income in Colorado is well above the national median, and the people per square mile average is well below it, but Coloradans consistently tend toward the optimistic, rarely confuse cynicism with intelligence and are willing to articulate their hopes for the future without fear.

Read the rest of the article here.

The funny thing about reading this in yesterday’s NY Times is that I was talking to my friend about Colorado. She’s planning on moving to Boulder soon and I had actually mentioned Boulder to Will as a sunny alternative to Seattle. I don’t care if it’s colder there. I just need more sun.

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