Three things.
I live in this great, wonderful, diverse city and I don’t get out nearly often enough. But lately, I’ve been trying. Here are three great experiences I’ve had in Seattle this past week:
01. Bodies…The Exhibition. If you haven’t seen it yet, run – do not walk – to the exhibit before it leaves this Sunday. It is absolutely AMAZING. It is an incredible integration of art, science, and technology. And while there has been controversy over the perceived exploitation of the deceased whose bodies are on display, the entire exhibit was so awe-inspiring that I felt it was the epitome of honor to have a corpse displayed in such a manner. These cadavers were used to highlight and showcase the wonders of the human body. What higher honor could there be? Beats being six feet under or your ashes sitting forlorn and forgotten in an urn on a shelf somewhere, or worse yet, accidentally thrown into the compost bin. I would sign up for my remains to be used in such an exhibit in a heartbeat. Seriously. I would.
I’m sure that Will, however, would prefer the compost bin. For those of you who know my treehugging, watt-counting, energy-saving husband, you know what I’m talking about.
02. Hillside Quickies – If you’re ever in Seattle, you must eat here. “Ick.” you may say. “Vegan. Gross.” I assure you. It’s not (gross, that is). Some of the best food I’ve ever eaten. What a shame that I didn’t know about this place when I was at the UW; it’s only blocks away from the grad studio.
03. A Married Couple – Just saw this Canadian cinema verité documentary tonight with Michaela. It was GREAT. Michaela even liked it. And she hates it when I drag her to obscure, dark alley art films. Must go to Northwest Film Forum more often…
That’s all. Good night.