Was Zum Teufel?!
Tuesday, Nov 13 -This week ushers in on the wings of holy matrimony. That’s right, dogs getting married. Today in New Dehli, India, Selva Kumar married a dog:
In a ceremony befitting a beautiful Indian bride, the bitch, a former 10-year-old stray named "Selvi," was bathed and dressed in a ceremonial orange sari with a garland of flowers adorning her neck. She was then brought to the temple in Tamil Nadu to be presented to Kumar by members of his family.
Kumar, sitting beside his bride, recited his marriage vows, declaring, "I will take care of it until its death." Then, the "couple" was declared married. – FOX News
Apparently, superstitious people in rural India sometimes marry animals to ward off curses. Kumar was atoning for the time years before that he stoned to death two copulating dogs.
When I read Oslo this story, he just shook his head and then made me promise to never, ever breed him in rural India.
Wednesday, Nov 14 – In today’s news, a second person asked me what Will and I are going to do with the dogs when we move to DC.
Huh? Come again?
Uuh, let’s see. Well, we could stick their little mugs on WeimaranerRescue.com and see if we could find any takers. Or, we could see if they need some extra testing animals in one of the UW or Fred Hutchison cancer labs. I could post them for sale under "Yard Sales" or Miscellaneous" on Craigslist. Lastly, we could always take them to the dog pound; there’s a branch of the Seattle Humane Society within a couple of miles of my house. I could be rid of these dogs in mere minutes.
Yeah, right. JESUS H. CHRIST, PEOPLE!!! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU??!!! Why the hell do you ask me questions like that? We’re taking the dogs with us. DUH.
Thursday, Nov 15 – Nothing happened today unless you count the Democratic debates (Go Barack!) and Mies eating one of my expensive culinary spatulas and Moo cards.