Was Zum Teufel??!!


So, in an effort to 1). practice my writing; 2). get Will to practice his writing; and 3). in the process, make this blog more interesting, I’ve decided to add a new category called “Was Zum Teufel?!” This will be a writing space, a column of sorts, inspired by the antics of mostly Mies and sometimes Oslo, my three-year old Weimaraners: a satirical, humorous view on life with two pure-bred dogs. Mies, the neutered rescue with a drippy left eye, and Oslo, a show dog with a fully intact, beautiful set of cajones (Ka-CHING!). To a lesser extent, I will also use my two human children, Seth + Michaela, as comparative subjects. In addition, we (Will especially – !!) may inject a little political commentary now and then.

Now, why the name “Was Zum Teufel?!”, you might ask? Well, being as Weimaraners are a German breed, I figured a German name would be appropriate. And since I can’t tell you the number of times we’ve come home and shouted “What the (insert expletive of your choice here)??!!” upon walking into another canine-induced mess or remarkable escape, I thought I’d use the German translation for “What the hell??!!” or, as my Cusscards less than eloquently translate, “What the fuck??!!”. If the antics of two young Weimaraners won’t inspire you to cuss, then nothing will.

We will try to post on a regular, (e.g., at least weekly) basis. I wish it could be daily, but I’m not making a promise that ambitious. And of course, the frequency will depend on the stories generated by the little house spirits, as Will so affectionately calls them.

The idea is to post anecdotes as they transpire. Mais au debut, I will probably backtrack a little because I have some really good stories to tell that have not yet been recorded. So, here we go….

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