Was Zum Teufel?!


Thurs Oct 02 – In this week’s news of Congress bailing out the banks, McCain’s foreign policy advisers bailing out Palin aka Bible Spice (good luck, Neocons!), and Texans bailing out from Hurricane Ike, today finds Mies trying to bail Olso out of the bedroom. Oslo, who loooooves to lounge on our bed, inadvertently got locked in the bedroom this morning. These dogs live up to the moniker "grey ghost", following me around wherever I go, so close at times and in such synchronicity, in fact, that I don’t even realize they’re there. Apparently, that’s what happened this morning when I went into the bedroom for the last time before closing the door and latching it. I left for work, totally oblivious to the fact that Oslo was locked in the bedroom.

I didn’t discover this, of course, until I got home and saw paw prints and scratches all over the walls and mirror next to the bedroom door, our vintage San Francisco street sign knocked off the wall, and paint chips everywhere. I wanted to ask the dogs, "What the hell went on in here, boys? Did you throw a kegger while we were at work?" but Will had taken them to the vet to pick up their heartworm medication. Luckily, however, our French dogwalker, Danielle, often leaves us notes when she finds havoc on her visits, providing enlightening clues. Today’s read:

Hi, Callie and Will

One dog was locked in the bedroom (I assume it was accidentally) + the other was "whining" in the living room. He had gone in some closets in the kitchen + done quite a mess.


Anyhoo, when Will finally got home, Mies rushed up to me, spilling his guts, saying how sorry I am, Mom, about the scratches on the wall, the gouges in the door jams, the chipped paint, the severed phone wire but I was so freaked out when you left, more freaked out than I normally am because Oslo was in the bedroom and I was in the living room and there was a locked door between me and my nephew whom I love very much and can’t stand to be separated from and there was an impenetrable wall that I couldn’t knock down or chew through and you know I can’t stand the anxiety and stress so I went into the kitchen and tore open all the cupboards, I’m sorry about that too, trying to find a knife or hammer or something sharper than my teeth to try open the door to let Oslo out because I was so freaked out I could scarcely breath and why haven’t you guys taken me to a doggie shrink to get help for my separation anxiety anyway? !!

And on that note, Oslo looked up from licking his butt and went into our bedroom to take another nap.

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