White trash?

So, we were at dinner with some friends recently, and Will and I were both a little shocked when one of the people at the table stated that on a recent visit to Wal-Mart, “everybody there was white trash.” (I wondered if he included himself in that assessment? and how could anyone – let alone someone educated and politically astute – shop there in good conscious in the first place??) Normally, the use of this term has never bothered me that much, but in the context of our conversation, it really struck a nerve. I’ve used the term lots of times myself, but after this incident, I question the ethics of using a derogatory term like this in reference to people whose only crime in life is to be poor and disadvantaged (as I most definitely was as a child and into adulthood).

I did a little research and found an interesting summary of the history of the term and how people classified as “white trash” have historically been unfairly stereotyped and used as convenient scapegoats for the middle- and upper-classes. Below are excerpts from the source that I found particularly compelling:

The hatred and condescension of the poor seems to be the last available method of prejudice in our society. Just as Americans have made an effort to educate, understand and alter the treatment of marginalized groups and alternate cultures within our society, we have held on to poor whites as a group to demean. Making assumptions about groups of any sort on societal and biased definitions is flawed in any situation. As with other groups, there must be an effort taken to use an open mind and individual code to ascribe merit to those in our world.


One option is to take the worst historical attributes of whites and placing them on those whites who are most powerless and isolated in society. Then you can blame and hate them for their crimes against humanity and your own. Upper class whites can join with blacks and other minorities, thereby alleviating their guilt, taking attention off themselves and bonding with minorities against poor whites. Uppers are still pitting the two groups against each other; they have merely switched sides. For proof, just take a look at recent voting patterns. The liberal, well educated white votes alongside minorities against politically conservative working class whites.

Think of the difference between the treatment of a black executive or politician who does not support gangsta rappers singing about rape and murder — he is considered a sellout to his race. But if a white doctor is embarrassed by a television interview after a bout of domestic violence at the local trailer park, the world joins in throwing stones at the ignorant rednecks. Treason to whiteness has become a battle cry of devotion to humankind.

and finally:

But the truth is, working class whites have no choice but to work, and to work in thankless, physically demanding jobs which society’s habits necessitate, but no one wants to perform. These jobs are looked down upon because they require little education and they place one in the lower level of social hierarchy. The job complaints of these men do not center around board meetings, not making junior partner, who got the nicest company car, or even paying off college loans. Their problems are on the job injuries and deaths, explosions, shift work year after year, no opportunity to ever receive a promotion, protecting their seniority, and providing health care for their families….not to mention paying the bills.

This class should theoretically be distinguishable for economic reasons. But our capitalist society teaches that we all get what we deserve — the rich and the poor. This is further complicated if one is white. The cultural baggage of white skin includes the myths of power, education, wealth and opportunity.

At any rate, I find elitist disdain for the poor and under-privileged far more repulsive than the term “white trash” and all that it implies.

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