Why I won't vote for Hillary.
For the Democratic nomination, anyway. But if it comes to a final match between her and Guiliani or Mitt, I’ll vote for her as the lesser of two evils.
Why, you might ask (I’m sure some of you who know my far left political leanings thought for sure she’d be a shoo in with someone like me)? Partially because of a damning essay I just read about her in a recent New York Times magazine. I mean, I’m all for a woman president like the next girl, but she sounds a little bit too wishy-washy for me. And Bush-y. An excerpt:
Americans have to be outraged that any senator would vote to send the nation to war without reading the most relevant document: the 90-page 2002 National Intelligence Estimate. This report, available to all 100 senators, contained enough information to cause Bob Graham to doubt the threat to the United States posed by Iraq. He was one of only six senators to read the report. Clinton was not among those six; she opted for ”briefings” instead. She voted, as did many others, for a disastrous foreign policy blunder based on the CliffsNotes version of a national intelligence report. Not very smart for one of the ”brainiest” people in the Senate.